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President Barack Obama is the founder of ISIS, Donald Trump Alleges

US presidential nominee Donald Trump says a lot of things. Since the start of his campaign, he has been embroiled in numerous sagas because of what he has either said or done.

As the elections draw closer, however, his rhetoric is getting even more dangerous and divisive. Barely two days afer he jokingly called for the political assassination of Hilary Clinton (Democratic nominee), he made a starling accusation.

Donald Trump says that President Obama is the "founder of ISIS." He made the stgartling accusation against President Barrack Obama during a Florida rally while addressing his supporters.

In his usual blustering over-confidence, Trump had stated:

"ISIS is honour President Obama, He is the founder of ISIS. He founded ISIS. And I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton."

He went on to condemn the President and Hillary Clinton for refusing to use term "Radical Islamic terrorism." He said.

"And people dont like saying that. Our president refuses to use the term. Every time another event happens, I keep saying, I wonder if he's gonna say it this time. and he doesn’t say it."

"And Hillary won't say it either...She doesn’t wanna say it, because she doesn’t wanna offend the president because then bad things could happen to her if she offends the president. Bad things could happen to her. So she's afraid to say it. Hillary's afraid to say it. She did say that she would say it becauseof me, but she's afraid to say it. But, we have a real problem with radical Islamic terror. It's what it is. it's terror."

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